Odoo HR Attendance Permit Deadlines

Odoo Hr Attendance Permit Deadlines

Odoo HR Attendance Permit Deadlines

Odoo Dates for HR Attendance Permit | Odoo HR Attendance Permit Deadlines | Odoo Date range for the HR Attendance Permit

Odoo Dates for HR Attendance Permit assists the Odoo HR Manager in setting up Dates for HR Attendance Permit for Employees rapidly so that Odoo will restrict and check the date range while the employees are making their check-in and check-out attendance.

Key benefits of this module:

  • Efficient Attendance Planning
  • Improved Attendance Control
  • Enhanced Data Accuracy
  • Time Savings
  • Compliance Adherence


  • Copy hr_attendance_allow_dates module to addons folder
  • Install the module normally like other modules
  • Restrict Employee Attendance Based on Dates

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