Odoo Partners Asset Google Map View

Odoo Partners Asset Google Map View

Odoo Partners Asset Google Map View

Contact Asset Google Map View | Show Contacts Assets on Google Map View | Partners Asset Google Map View |Asset Map View

Odoo Partners Asset Google Map View module adds a map view to the contact model using existing latitude and longitude fields. It allows you to display the location on the map and enables users to change the location by dragging the marker.

Map Integration: Integrates Google Maps with your Odoo instance, allowing you to visualize locations on a map.

Contact Location Display: Uses existing latitude and longitude fields in your contact information to display their location on the map as markers.

Interactive Map: Allows for basic map functionalities like zooming, panning, and potentially changing map style (e.g., satellite view).

Asset Management: Ability to link assets (like stores, warehouses) to contacts and display them on the map alongside contact locations. This might involve adding separate asset data fields or using existing fields creatively.

  • – Copy web_asset_googlemap module to addons folder.
  • – Install the module normally like other modules.

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