Odoo Website Product Stock

Odoo Website Product Stock
Odoo Website Product Stock module is used to manage stock on webshop, website product quantity, website item quantity, webshop feature, manage website stock, manage stock, Out of stock in webshop, stock counter, item counter, product counter, Stock in website, stock in webshop, stock in shop, shop stock, stock shop, Quantity on shop, item on shop, Shop Quantity, stock on website, stock on e Commerce including following feature.
Website Stock, Webshop stock, Stock on website, Show out of stock on website, Show Stock Quantity on webshop, Stock Quantity on Website, product stock on website, product quantity on website, item Shop, Item quantity on shop.
Show Product stock on website, Display Out of stock tag when stock not available, display stock in Webshop interface also the seller can select and display different type of stock like “Qty on hand” and “Qty Available” in Website Configuration from back-end and, also Enable/disable stock messages and validation from the webshop.
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